856-299-0576 ext 4516
Guidance Department including Registration and Withdrawal

Denise Johnson – Guidance Counselor for students with last names A-L

Melissa Craig – Guidance Counselor for students with last names M-Z
856-299-0576 ext 4515
The Penns Grove Middle School Guidance department works to help students with scheduling, career planning, scholarships, college applications, as well as personal and social issues.
Registration Information
Registrations are no longer processed at PGMS. Please contact our Central Registration Office with any questions and to schedule a registration appointment. The office is at Penns Grove High School which is located at 334 Harding Highway and the telephone number is 856-299-3230 ext. 3074.
The following items are needed in order to register a new student:
Original birth certificate
Parent/Guardian photo ID
Proof of residency (mortgage, tax bill, lease, utility bill)
Transfer card-which is issued from the school you are leaving
Health records
Current report card- if available
Current state test or standardized test results- if available
IEP (individual education plan, if applicable)
Exiting Students
Please contact your child's guidance counselor to set up an appointment to officially withdrawal your student from our school. You will need the name and address of the new school that your child will be attending as well as a photo ID.
Middle School Counselors help children by...
Promoting positive attitudes among students toward self, family, peers, and community.
Assisting students in learning how school performance relates to future opportunities.
Administering state assessments and helping students, parents, and teachers members to interpret their results.
Working collaboratively with students, parents, and teachers to identify and remove barriers to learning.
Supporting students by teaching skills for achieving success.
Helping students to recognize and make the best of their abilities.
Counseling with students individually and in groups
Providing support during a personal crisis.
Orienting new students.
Additional services offered by the counselors include:
Helping create a safe school environment where children can learn.
Working with students on attendance issues.
Coordinating referrals to outside agencies.
Helping design interventions to enhance student success.
Developing community partnerships to enhance student career awareness.
Helping teachers create a positive learning environment.
Helping students learn anger management, conflict resolution, and mediation skills.
Helping parents, teachers, and administrators in learning how to meet the needs of all students.